Industry and Automation

Noxium ha llegado a ocupar una posición destacada en el mercado de las Telecomunicaciones aprovechando las sinergias con las empresas de industria y automatización, optimizando costes con productos de fabricación propia y dotando de gran flexibilidad a las soluciones ofrecidas.

Se ha erigido como agente tecnológico de innovación aplicada en el sector de las telecomunicaciones y el control industrial, primando la calidad de un servicio directo y evitando dependencia externa.

The values that have consolidate this achievement have been the wide experience of the professionals that make up the company, the observance of quality in the products and services offered and the incorporation of innovative technologies.

As a result of our creative activity, Noxium has its own products in the areas of networks and communications, remote control and telemetry, remote management and mobility services with localization, based on emerging technologies. Design, development, manufacturing and commercialization of network platforms for corporate environments.

Our vocation is to create value for our clients. To do so, we combine the needs of our clients with the knowledge and experience of our professionals, successfully endorsing the development of customized technological solutions.

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Corporate Presentation



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