The General Management shall ensure that all necessary means are in place to ensure the application of the Quality Policy in all areas of the company.

Según norma UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015   

In Noxium we understand Quality as a process of continuous improvement in the pursuit of business excellence. Proof of this is that our Quality Management System (QMS) has been certified by SGS with the No. ES08/5716 evidencing its compliance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.
This strong commitment to Quality, as a critical factor for business success, is reflected in our Quality Policy:

The staff is fully committed to Quality, through a work carried out with absolute professionalism, which results in full customer satisfaction.
To favor the involvement and motivation of the personnel, generating a work environment where the activity developed by all is recognized and valued, making possible the internal promotion and professional development of the employees that make up the organization.
Allocation of the necessary resources to carry out the activities related to Quality and meet the requirements of our customers.
Continuous improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the Quality Management System through the establishment of objectives and the implementation of improvement plans for their achievement.
Obtain continuous feedback from our customers and employees for the continuous improvement of our processes.
To guarantee the qualification, professionalism and seriousness of the people who belong to or work on behalf of Noxium.
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Quality Policy

Código Ético de Conducta

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